




Animations are more powerful and flexible, allowing for complex, multi-step animations.

    • They are suitable for creating dynamic effects that go beyond simple property changes, such as keyframe animations.
  1. Properties:

    • Animations are defined using the @keyframes rule, which allows you to specify multiple steps or keyframes for an animation.

    • You apply the animation using the animation property, specifying the animation name, duration, timing function, delay, and other options.

  2. Syntax:

     @keyframes animationName {
         0% { /* styles at the beginning of the animation */ }
         50% { /* styles in the middle of the animation */ }
         100% { /* styles at the end of the animation */ }
     element {
         animation: animationName duration timing-function delay iteration-count direction fill-mode;

Key Differences:

  1. Complexity:

    • Transitions are simpler and are best suited for basic animations and state changes.

    • Animations are more complex and provide greater control for intricate, multi-step animations.

  2. Usage:

    • Transitions are commonly used for hover effects, navigation menus, and other small, interactive elements.

    • Animations are used for more elaborate, continuous animations and effects, such as loading spinners or scrolling animations.

  3. Control:

    • Transitions automatically handle the transition between two states based on property changes.

    • Animations provide explicit control over each step of the animation through keyframes.

Transition vs Animation

  1. Transition is used when we want to change based on a single state change

  2. That state change may be when we click a button , hover over a tab

  3. However in animation we can multiple state changes