Some Common Operations in MongoDB
In MongoDb first, we need to create a connection to the MongoDB client, then create a database then create a collection that will store the documents
```python import pymongo ## importing the python library for mongodb connection dbconnection=pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017")
on printing db connection we get the output as
## ['admin', 'config', 'local'] ##
##MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True['admin', 'config', 'local'] ##
### MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True ##
dbname='inueorn' ## now we are creating a database
print(db)## on printing the database we get
## Database(MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True), 'inueorn')
## will return a list of all the database
## now we need to create a collection
## on printing the collection we get
## Collection(Database(MongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True), 'inueorn'), 'jeevan')
Inserting document into our collection
Note : It should be enclosed inside
{ # this is a must }
Some commands to insert elements are
my_row = {'Serial No': '9998', 'GRE Score': '337', 'TOEFL Score': 'a118', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.65', 'Research': '1', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'} index= collection.insert_one(my_row) print(index) ## on printing it should gives us the object id which is unique ## <pymongo.results.InsertOneResult object at 0x7f0b5ac06250> ## for inserting multiple document we give it like an array of objects y_rows_1= [ {'Serial No': '9997', 'GRE Score': '337', 'TOEFL Score': '118', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.65', 'Research': '1', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'}, { 'Serial No': '9996', 'GRE Score': '336', 'TOEFL Score': '118', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.6', 'Research': '0', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'}, { 'Serial No': '9995', 'GRE Score': '340', 'TOEFL Score': '118', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.5', 'Research': '1', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'}, { 'Serial No': '9994', 'GRE Score': '334', 'TOEFL Score': '119', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.4', 'Research': '1', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'}, { 'Serial No': '9993', 'GRE Score': '317', 'TOEFL Score': '118', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.65', 'Research': '1', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'} ] collection.insert_many(my_rows_1) ## on printing this we get the id ## <pymongo.results.InsertManyResult at 0x7f0b3ffe3370>
Iterating through the elements
```python result=collection.find() for i in result:
output is
{'_id': ObjectId('63a339968a632865286c5819'), 'Serial No': '9998', 'GRE Score': '337', 'TOEFL Score': 'a118', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.65', 'Research': '1', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'}
{'_id': ObjectId('63a33a358a632865286c581a'), 'Serial No': '9997', 'GRE Score': '337', 'TOEFL Score': '118', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.65', 'Research': '1', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'}
{'_id': ObjectId('63a33a358a632865286c581b'), 'Serial No': '9996', 'GRE Score': '336', 'TOEFL Score': '118', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.6', 'Research': '0', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'}
{'_id': ObjectId('63a33a358a632865286c581c'), 'Serial No': '9995', 'GRE Score': '340', 'TOEFL Score': '118', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.5', 'Research': '1', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'}
{'_id': ObjectId('63a33a358a632865286c581d'), 'Serial No': '9994', 'GRE Score': '334', 'TOEFL Score': '119', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.4', 'Research': '1', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'}
{'_id': ObjectId('63a33a358a632865286c581e'), 'Serial No': '9993', 'GRE Score': '317', 'TOEFL Score': '118', 'University Rating': '4', 'SOP': '4.5', 'LOR': '4.5', 'CGPA': '9.65', 'Research': '1', 'Chance of Admit': '0.92'} ###
result=collection.find({}).limit(3) ## limiting the number of records
4. Deleting & Updating new entries
my_query_3={"GRE Score":"340"}
#how to delete record
#how to update record in mongodb
my_record={"GRE Score":"350"}
new_value={"$set":{"GRE Score":"345"} }
#update many
#update one