Table of contents


  1. Float in css is used when we want to place the something side by side

  2. The float property in CSS is used to specify whether an element should float to the left or right within its container. It is often used for creating layouts where elements are positioned side by side.

    Here's a basic example:

     <!DOCTYPE html>
     <html lang="en">
         <meta charset="UTF-8">
         <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
             .float-left {
                 float: left;
                 width: 50%;
             .float-right {
                 float: right;
                 width: 50%;
             /* Clearfix to prevent collapsing parent container */
             .clearfix::after {
                 content: "";
                 display: table;
                 clear: both;
         <title>Float Example</title>
         <div class="float-left">
             <p>This is floated to the left.</p>
         <div class="float-right">
             <p>This is floated to the right.</p>
         <!-- Clearfix to prevent collapsing parent container -->
         <div class="clearfix"></div>

    In this example:

    • The .float-left and .float-right classes apply the float: left; and float: right; properties, respectively.

    • The width: 50%; is set to make each floated element take up half of the container's width.

    • The .clearfix class is used to prevent the parent container from collapsing due to the floated elements.